
Overview BNN August 29, 2022

The Advanced Microfluidics Initiative (AMI) brings together relevant engineering, analytical and life sciences expertise in Austria and bridges existing “research-to-product gaps” in microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip systems and organ-on-a-chip technology. The Initiative is managed by BNN and its strategic positioning is implemented together with Austrian universities, R&D- and industrial partners.

The expertise of our members covers a broad spectrum from research idea to market-ready product. The platform thus offers a place for thematic exchange at all levels of product development as well as training and education.

  • Provide members with a platform for the exchange of ideas, technologies and expertise through short communication channels between different microfluidic research teams, interest groups and experts in microfluidics, sensors and biomedicine, as well as large-scale manufacturers of biochips
  • Develop microfluidic concepts for life sciences and biotechnology leading to the reduction of animal testing, precision medicine and quality control of biopharmaceutical products
  • Build and provide rapid prototyping capabilities, small-series production and small-scale production of biochips, as well as mass production in line with industrial GMP guidelines
  • Establish continuous education and training opportunities within the framework of existing studies and onsite training programs, as well as workshops and conferences
Microfluidics in following sectors
Environmental Sciences
Microfluidics-based technology
has solutions to socially relevant issues
  • Relieving the burden on the healthcare system through use of novel analytics that provide rapid, reliable and reproducible early diagnostics - point-of-care analytics.
  • Development of analytical tests with high specificity and sensitivity for pathogen detection and rapid development time to market.
  • Quality control for food safety and avoiding the waste of resources.
  • Efficient process control - immediate, quick and on-site characterization of bio-chemicals and biologicals.
  • Automated and evidence-based sensor technology as an important part of digitalization.
  • Environmental monitoring and agricultural applications to achieve climate change mitigation and resource efficiency.
  • Research into novel polymer materials that meet requirements in microfluidics, such as biocompatibility or low binding affinity to the investigated analytes, as a contribution to the 2030 sustainability agenda.
  • Quality measurements in production at the point-of-need to increase productivity.
  • Improved active ingredient research with so-called organ-on-chips and simultaneous reduction or replacement of animal testing.
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