Session “Advanced Microfluidics Initiative” @ BioNanoNet Annual Forum, 27 Sept. 2022 BNN September 15, 2022

Session “Advanced Microfluidics Initiative” @ BioNanoNet Annual Forum, 27 Sept. 2022


The BioNanoNet Annual Forum & BNN Networking took place as a pre-conference event before BMT2022 on 27 September in Hall i.T., Austria. The focus was on the technology platforms Sustainable Chemistry Austria (SusChem-AT), NanoMedicine-Austria (NM-AT) and the Advanced Microfluidics Initiative (AMI-AT), which are organized and coordinated by BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN).

The presentation “Achievements & future plans on our platform Advanced Microfluidics Initiative (AMI)” was given by General Coordinator of AMI Clemens Wolf from BNN on  27 Sept 2022.


Clemens Wolf (BNN) presenting AMI

PeterE Presenting

Peter Ertl (TU Wien) presenting


With the question “Quo vadis microfluidics?” Peter Ertl, one of the chairs of AMI, introduced his lecture and led from the development and necessity of research work on the topic of microfluidics in Austria to an overview of activities in the community and also in the start-up scene.

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